If you're a kinesthetic learner who's ready to EXPERIENCE anatomy rather than just study it…
If you've felt held back in your growth by a lack of education on the workings of human anatomy…
If you've longed to study with Leslie Kaminoff but been unable to relocate to NYC…
Good news: you're about to get everything you've been waiting for…
Question for you:
Have you reached the point in your practice where you know your body so well, you have a pet name for your patella...?
You've had your knees your entire life - you know about their bones, their ligaments, and general safety advice…
But if you've never spent one-on-one time exploring your knees - or your neck, jaw, wrist - you're missing out on a stunningly rewarding relationship...
Your brilliant body holds information that will help you avoid future injuries and strengthen your practice. But a knowledge of anatomy alone won’t give you these insights. You need the techniques that are helping other yoga practitioners around the world float into handstands, effortlessly align their body and breath, and uncover what's in the way of life-long trouble poses...
Enter Leslie Kaminoff.
Leslie is one of the world’s most respected, most accomplished and most admired teachers of yoga anatomy...
He’s been bringing the study of anatomy to life for over 35 years.

His internationally acclaimed Yoga Anatomy Courses have helped teachers and practitioners of yoga, dance, pilates and somatic therapy improve their teaching, enhance their personal practices and provide better experiences for their students and clients...
Until now, to develop a deeper understanding of the movements of our bodies, you had to move to NYC for 9 months to learn Leslie’s techniques live and in-person...
But no more...
At last, Leslie is making his in-demand teachings available to yogis worldwide...
It's like having Leslie in your living room, standing next to you, coaching you...
With the comprehensive members-only Practice Series, Leslie is - at long last - releasing the ultimate home study program for yogis who want to advance their understanding of anatomy.
Here’s the promise of this course: Leslie will show you how to change your personal yoga practice forever - and you will finally receive the kinesthetic training you need to truly communicate with your entire body...
Leslie will lead you through a series of powerful asana practices specifically designed around an anatomical theme.
Imagine: you’ll immerse yourself in a study of the varied, complex and wonderful systems of the body over the course of 36 classes, with Leslie as your guide. By the time you complete this training, you will have an entirely new appreciation for your body, for the nuances of your joints, for the subtle ways your muscles communicate with you...
After each asana practice, you’ll get to pull back the curtains while Kaminoff and special guest teachers explain exactly how the sequence was created. You’ll see variations. You’ll try modifications.
This course is like nothing you’ve seen. It’s not your “textbook” anatomy class. Don’t expect each class to be a laundry list of naming bones and muscles - that won’t happen.
Rather, expect to come away from each class with a greater appreciation for your body.
You’ll be led through sequences to uncover your body’s preferences, zero in on your strengths and illuminate the steps that will move you forward...
Enrolling in this course is like welcoming Leslie into your living room and letting him guide you through experiments - the re-invigorating kind, the kind that will shake up and awaken your personal practice...
For learners who prefer experience first, theory second, this course will feel as if it’s been designed just for you...
If you want to be a world-class yoga teacher or physical instructor, intimate knowledge of human anatomy & breathing is a MUST
What if you could enhance your teaching, protect your students, and deepen your personal practice, all with a comprehensive understanding of how the human body actually works?
As a member of this community, you can do all that and more. Practical knowledge of the working human body, and the ability to impart that knowledge to your students in meaningful ways, is what will keep your room packed and your teaching inspired for years to come.
Leslie Kaminoff's teaching is inspired by his studies with T.K.V. Desikachar, son of T. Krishnamacharya, whom many call "the father of modern yoga."
During his 30+ years of experience in yoga anatomy and bodywork, he's been crafting his YogaAnatomy.net Practices course,
and now you can learn from him online, wherever you are in the world. Join the community and converse with today's expert in this field while you hone your skills.
Discover The Deepest Principles of Yoga By Examining The Deepest Structures Of The Body
- How to get to the essence of a pose and make it accessible for any body.
- Why it’s important to make your practice more clever than your habits.
- How to apply specific breathing ratios for specific effects.
- The principles of sequencing.
- How to avoid the most common injuries in yoga practice.
- The surprising truth about hip-openers - what works and what doesn’t?
- The principles of counterposing.
- How to adapt any pose for any student.
- How to have breakthroughs with your most difficult poses.
- The principles of preparation & compensation.
- How to relieve yourself of the burden of getting it right.
- What the are bandhas really about, and when NOT to teach them.
- How to rid your teaching language of anatomical innacuracies.
- The most effective non-verbal teaching cues.
- How to fire up your students’ right or left brains, depending on the desired effect.
- How to teach an individualized practice, even in a large group, no matter what style of class.
- The core principles underlying all styles of yoga.
And more...
Also, watch out for some nationally known surprise guests, sharing sequences and perspectives of their own.
Enroll Now
"Leslie is a "teacher's teacher"

Larry Payne Ph.D.
Founding Director of Yoga Therapy Rx, Co-Author of Yoga for Dummies, Yoga Rx, and The Business of Teaching Yoga, Co-Founder of the International Association of Yoga Therapists
"I have known Leslie for 40 years and personally witnessed his ascendance in the Yoga and Health community.
Like the late Nathan Pritikin, he is a self taught genius and his courses on anatomy and breathing are always the first to fill in academic settings.
Over the last 5 years he has consistently received the highest evaluations possible from the majority of the students in our Yoga Therapy Rx program at Loyola Marymount University. I highly recommend his new internet course for students and teachers alike."
We Make The Space & The Universe Fills It
The three twelve-week trimesters cover the essentials of Yoga Anatomy from the perspective of the breath, the spine, and the limbs.
The core concepts of yoga (Prana/Apana, Sthira/Sukha, and Brmhana/Langhana) serve as a lens through which the vast subject of anatomy becomes focused, fascinating and immensely practical.
Because the course focuses on grasping fundamental concepts, rather than memorizing endless details, you and your students can easily embody the material and put it to practical use immediately.
In addition, there is a high level of student interactivity through questions, demonstrations and homework assignments.
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Build an Encyclopedic Knowledge of Yoga Anatomy in Three Trimesters
We offer full support, personalized homework interactions, and access to a like-minded community as you work your way through the material.
This course is offered entirely online, but if you decide to print out all the documents and save hard copies of the videos, this is what your resource collection will look like:

We will send you links to download binder covers, inserts, and the foundation of your library. You'll fill it out with class notes, observations, downloadable class transcripts, and reminders of your own journey.
(You will receive all materials as digital files, not in hard copy: you can save/archive your copy of the files in whatever way works best for you.)
Trimester #1: Breathing
- Core concepts of Breath-Centered Yoga & Anatomy and Cellular Breathing
- Basic Breath Awareness and Foundation Practices
- Diaphragm Release Techniques
- Relations of the Diaphragm and Experiencing the Deep Front Line
- New Perspectives on Kapalabhati
- Brmhana / Langhana - Energetics of Breath
- Mula Bandha and the Pelvic Floor
- Sanskrit Phonetics Practice and Application
- Uddiyana and Jalandhara Bandha in Support and Movement
- Kundalini - a Practical Approach
Trimester #1 Preview: The History of Bandhas (6:04)
Trimester #2: The Spine
- Developmental Spine Exploration
- A Practice for Spinal Awareness - Introduction to Drishti
- Spine and Breath - the Basics
- Exploring Axial Rotation and Lateral Flexion
- Exploring Flexion and Extension
- Mahamudra Practice
- The Joys of Asymmetry
- Yoga and Scoliosis
- Illiopsoas Practice
- Autonomic Nervous System Practice
Trimester #2 Preview: Baby Cobra Exploration (3:47)
Trimester #3: The Articular Body
- Limb Spirals Developmental Exploration
- Standing Poses Fundamentals
- Walking Practices
- Balancing Practices
- Hip Joint and Pelvic Girdle Practices
- The Warrior Series - Theme and Variations
- Arm Support Practices
- Shoulderstand Practices
- Headstand Practices
- Arm Support Practices
Trimester #3 Preview: The Lotus Dilemma (05:17)
Plus Surprise Bonus Classes!
1000s Of Yoga Practitioners Are Investing In Their Students & Practices – While Earning Continuing Education Credits – Easily Online
"Anatomy With Leslie Is Anything But Boring"
Sadie Nardini
Founder of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga
"Quite simply put, Leslie’s a true yogi-genius, and a pioneer in his field. He gets right down to the core concepts you absolutely must know to be a truly effective teacher or student of mind/body movement.
Leslie couples his immense knowledge with a refreshing ability to translate complex information into real-world terms and give us instantly applicable tools that make the world of anatomy, yoga and breath something we can deeply experience and understand.
I count him as one of my most formative teachers, and each time I leave his classroom, my worldview (and body!) has been shifted in the most powerful ways."
"It's the best online course I've taken"
Jennie Wilson
Yoga Teacher, New York
"I have only great things to say. I've taken a lot of online courses for college and I have to say that Leslie's surpasses them in all areas. The handouts, the video, the audio and the transcription ensures that all the online students have multiple venues for getting the coursework based on their personal preference.
It's amazing."
"He's THE Breathing Guru"
Beverley Foster Murphy
Owner, MindBody Online
"Leslie Kaminoff was one of my most influential teachers. His intellect and vast understanding of yoga are truly inspiring. He is THE guru of breathing — opening your eyes to this profound aspect of yoga. A must for all serious yoga teachers — I encourage all my teachers to take his course!"
"This course is life-changing"
Suzanne Ausnit
Yoga Teacher, New Jersey
"If you’re a yoga teacher—and even if you’re not—Leslie Kaminoff’s class will fundamentally change the way you teach and/or practice yoga. It did for me.
Leslie is wonderful at demystifying complex subjects and making them readily accessible—both on an intellectual academic level and on a tangible experiential level.
What’s more, he’s refreshingly non-pretentious and always willing to go the extra mile to make sure everyone’s on the same page."
"I didn't want it to end!"
Carrie Libowicz
Yoga Teacher, Maryland
"Studying with you online is one of the most exhilarating, fun things I've done in my life.
I am so looking forward to what's coming next!"
You'll See Benefits From The YogaAnatomy.net Practices Course For Years To Come:
- 9 months of intensive training in all aspects of yoga anatomy, practice, & breathing. (A $2,400 value)
- Streaming and downloadable video files of each class. (A $1,440 value)
- Streaming and downloadable audio files of each class. (A $1,350 value)
- Full text transcriptions of every class (English.) (A $720 value)
- PDFs of class outline / notes. (A $650 value)
- Weekly PDF downloads with course visuals. (A $360 value)
- Video Q&A with Leslie and the international online community. (Private sessions with Leslie start at $140/hr, so personal access on an ongoing basis is worth $1000s...)
- Direct access to a members-only interactive site where Leslie will answer your questions personally. (Access never expires - worth $1000s over time...)
- Homework to take you deeper into the material, and personal dialogue about your discoveries. (A $900 value)
- Access to like-minded Yogis around the world, and their learnings and experience with the course. (Have a yoga bestie in every city you visit...)
- Continuing education credits applicable to Yoga Alliance standards (details at bottom.) (A $550 value)
- Certificate of Completion from the course, exactly as if you had been sitting in the NYC studio (upon completion of all homework.) (Invaluable for future employers and prospective students...)
- PLUS! Your access never expires. Each and every time we update the course, you benefit. Need to sharpen your skills? Sign in and watch any video you’d like! (This is an ongoing value of $1000s…)

Worried you'll be dropped into the abyss of the internet? We'll be here for you whenever you have a question...
I'm confused. Are Yoga Anatomy.net Principles & Practices one course, or two?
Leslie Kaminoff teaches two separate, but complimentary courses: YogaAnatomy.net Principles & YogaAnatomy.net Practices. Enrollment is for a single course, but you may choose to take both courses, as many of our students do.
"Principles" is more lecture and discussion with less time devoted to experiential practice.
In "Practices," the ratios are reversed: more time in practice and experiential exploration with less time on lecture and discussion. The page you're on right now is about the YogaAnatomy.net Practices course.
Are both courses offered online?
Yes! Leslie's flagship course is YogaAnatomy.net Principles, which you can sign up for at any time.
The "Practices" course is Leslie's newest course, and students have been loving it. You may enroll at the bottom of this page.
Is there a timeline for the course?
There is no fixed timeline or deadline for the course. You can sign up whenever you want, watch the classes as it works for your schedule, ask Leslie questions and get answers on your own time, and finish the homework whenever it fits in your schedule.
We wanted this course to be as flexible as possible because we have so many students enrolled from all over the world, and there's really not a one-size-fits-all structure.
How much homework is there? What kind of weekly time commitment am I looking at?
As discussed above, you can go through the course at your own pace. If you'd like to finish the course in the 9-month timeframe that Leslie uses to plan the curriculum, here's what it would look like:
- One 2-hour video class per week,
- plus optional homework, consisting mostly of review questions and additional activities to help enhance the learning experience. Most of our graduates say the homework took them 30-60 minutes per week.
The classes are structured in three 12-week trimesters for a total of 36 weeks, and there is a short break between each trimester (like a holiday break and spring break.)
In contrast to our Principles course, where there are review questions on every lesson, The Practices course is more focused on your experience as you're moving through certain movement sequences.
Because of this, the homework in this Practices course is generally to do the practice and share your findings, guided by a series of prompts to help you deepen your inquiry. Because of how the homework situations contrast, this helps some students choose the type of inquiry they prefer.
What do I need to get started?
Just a computer and a reliable internet connection. And not to worry, you don't need to be a computer whiz.
You'll be either streaming or downloading 2-hour video files, so we've found it to be most efficient if you have access to a solid high-bandwidth connection.
You can still take the course if you don't have that, but it may mean overnight downloads, or going someplace with a faster connection to download, then watching later at home.
We can help you figure out the best scenario for you on a case by case basis. We currently have students in 44 different countries around the world, and so far we've found a solution for everyone.
Is this course only for teachers?
No - in fact, this is the course that the majority of our non-teachers select. We could have easily called this our "personal practice" course, because that's what it's about: learning an anatomical concept, and then exploring it in your body.
Sometimes things get "lost in translation" on the internet. How do you guys handle that?
We agree! That's why we've made the interface as personal as possible, and we're adding a new feature for this round of the course.
Leslie is now offering Video Q&A so he can give his online students the same level of demonstration-based feedback that you'd receive if you were in the room.

Still not sure if Leslie Kaminoff’s Yoga Anatomy Practices Course is right for you? Meet some of our students...
"Now I just float into handstand"
Mary McGovern
Yoga Teacher, France
"I usually do handstand against a wall. I tried it the new way you suggested and it was great. The legs just floated up, and I was able to stay in the pose longer, because I wasn't adjusting so much from the kick-up. It felt really good to do it that way.
I also tried the Wheel pose as it was done in class. Wow! What a difference, there was practically no weight on the arms at first. I was really surprised. I usually lift my belly button toward the sky, but this way definitely kept the initial weight off the arms, so that I could ease into it.
I'll continue to experiment. Thank you!"
"New approaches transform familiar poses"

Laurice Nemetz
Ananda Ashram faculty - Applied Anatomy, New York
"Wow! The new approach to pincha mayurasana is my absolute new favorite practice!!!!"
"Truly integrate your body & breath"

Paula Pliakas
Yoga Teacher, New York
"Leslie I just want to start by saying thank you! You have made wheel become a whole new enjoyable experience for me. It is so much easier because my body and breath are no longer fighting each other. I still struggle with it but I no longer think 'Oh great! Time for wheel, can't wait for this to be over.' I'm actually excited to continue to work on it.
Thanks for sharing all the cool stuff with us."
"Enlightening Techniques for the body & mind"

Agnieszka Alboszta
Yoga Teacher, Oregon
"Thank you for teaching me how to use my arms and shoulders!! The techniques you showed us are truly enlightening in both the mental and physical sense!
Wow… the arms don't actually have to feel like lead? The shoulders don't have to feel as if they're bearing the 'weight of the world' in arm balances? Amazing!
I've practiced headstand several times and am now much more adept at getting into it in the new way. The arms are stabilizing me more (but not feeling overburdened). This week, I was able to separate the hands and lift my head up to scorpion without too much effort.
Thank you for opening these poses to me. It's a tremendous gift! And thank you for a stellar 9 months of learning along with the great group in your studio!"
"Get excited about sharing poses again"

Wendy Snongjati
Yoga Teacher, England
"I have always loved the Wheel but now I'm crazy about it. I love the way you brought us into it. I have tried it with my students already because i just couldn't keep it to myself. They got it and loved it too.
What great fun. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful tips and knowledge. What fun my students will be having!"
"Great information for practice & teaching"

Holly Schmalz
Yoga Teacher, Utah
"This technique for how to come into and out of a headstand was extremely helpful for me. I appreciated the discussion about the different structural differences in students. Your detailed explanations on how to get in and out of the pose gave me the information to know what I need to practice, and then how to translate into teaching students. Thanks!"
"Immensely useful for my students"

Lauren Imparato
I.AM.YOU Studio, NYC
"I tried to come up to wheel in the new way you suggested, and at least in my mind, it made a huge difference! I have found this immensely useful in teaching men who are tighter in their upper bodies to come up."
"Master previously difficult poses with new approaches"

Anna Guest-Jelley
Founder of Curvy Yoga, Tennessee
"I experimented with the wheel options, and whoa! They make such an incredible difference in the pose. It's interesting to look back on all the times I thought what you described, that I didn't have enough 'arm strength' for the pose, and how by getting into the pose as you suggested, all that goes out the window.
Thank you for more wonderful opportunities to play with my practice!"
The best teachers are lifelong students
Enroll today, and finally allow yourself to develop your skills under the guidance of a respected expert in the field.
"When we resist the change that's inevitable, we miss the change that's possible." – Leslie Kaminoff, Principles Course
Students of Leslie Kaminoff's training have unanimously found this course worth the investment - for over 30 years.
As an online student, you're receiving the same level of knowledge, interaction, and expertise - with the added benefit of learning on your own schedule, as well as the ability to revisit the course as much as you want, at any time, without limitation.
Join Us Today And Receive Immediate Access To Digital Versions of:

- 9 months of video training
- Full text transcripts of every class
- All class notes
- Downloads of visuals (each week!)
- A members-only website
- Targeted Asana Sequences
- Prompts for Inquiry & Integration
- Certificate of Completion
- Video Q&A with Leslie
- Surprise interviews, extras, and clinics, in addition to the content in the syllabus. We love surprising our students with new, meaningful content.
- Access never expires + FREE Upgrades every time we update the course. An ongoing value of $1000s…
AND... You don't have to relocate to NYC for 9 months, which alone will save you $30,000 minimum, not to mention lost wages, family commitments, current rent/mortgage payments, and responsibilities at home.
Unmatched in the Industry! Our 90-Day Absolute Satisfaction Policy

If you're not absolutely thrilled with this course, please take every single penny back.
While you’re taking this course, YogaAnatomy.net Staff are always available to help should you have questions or troubles.
If it turns out that the course isn’t right for you - for whatever reason - simply let us know within 90 days of purchase. We’ll promptly process a full refund. To help us figure out what we can improve on, we’ll hop on the phone with you to get your feedback.
So what’s the risk? There is none. You’ve got 90 days to try it - not just 30 or 60. That’s a quarter of a year!
Try it. Get help if it’s not working for you. And if it just doesn’t work out, get your money back.
By taking this step, you stand to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your body, a stronger relationship with your students, and a richer personal practice.
It’s Just $997 $1,997 USD to Get Instant, Unlimited and Forever Access - So Start Now
Save versus paying by installments. Take the money you save and invest it in further growth and improvement.
Cashflow concerns? We’ve got you covered
Monthly payments make it easy to fit this course into your continuing education budget.
If you have any issues signing up, please contact [email protected], and we'd be happy to assist you.
See you in the course,

PS: Remember, you’ve got 90 days to get a full refund on the course. Mark your calendar now! Ninety days from today, if you don’t have an improved perspective on yoga, yoga anatomy and how to teach and practice asana in an optimal way, we’ll give you 100% of your money back.
Sometimes these money-back guarantees come with a hitch. Ours doesn’t. The only thing we’ll ask is that you tell us where our program let you down. We’ve created something 1000s of yogis worldwide rave about, but we recognize the need to keep improving. So we’d appreciate your feedback.
PPS: Write off the price of this course! Yes, it qualifies as professional training for yoga instructors, yoga therapists, pilates teachers, dance teachers, professional dancers and other movement professionals. Meet your hourly training requirements with Leslie - and deduct the fees when you do your taxes...
Pay Once and Save! It’s Just $997 $1,997 USD to Get Instant, Unlimited Continuing Access
Save versus paying by installments. Take the money you save and invest it in further growth and development.
If cashflow's a concern:
Monthly payments make it easy to fit this course into your continuing education budget.
If you have any issues signing up, please contact [email protected], and we'd be happy to assist you.
This course qualifies as professional training for yoga instructors, yoga therapists, pilates teachers, dance teachers, professional dancers, and other movement professionals.
This course counts as non-contact Continuing Education credits with the Yoga Alliance. The Yoga Alliance requires at least 30 hours of CEU credits every three years to maintain registration, 20 of which may be non-contact CEUs.
The information on this site is provided as an information and educational resource only, is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes, and should not be used as a substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Reliance on any information provided in this course is solely at your own risk.