You're Putting Your Heart And Soul (Not To Mention Your Hours And Finances) Into Your Teacher Training So Your Students Will Smile Like This...

Leading a successful Yoga Teacher Training Program can be one of the most exhilarating, emotionally rewarding, and financially sustaining parts of your life as a yoga teacher.
Planning a Yoga Teacher Training, though, is often a stress-provoking, anxiety-raising, project-wrangling nightmare.
You want the best for your students' education in all areas of their training, but there is a LOT to cover...
Let's Be Honest... We Know That The Anatomy Component Of A YTT Is The Part The Majority Of Teacher Trainers And Students Dread The Most
So it's time to ask yourself an important question about the anatomy component of your training...
Do You Want It To Look Like This…

Or This?

Thanks To A Brand New Resource From Leslie Kaminoff & Amy Matthews, Best-Selling Co-Authors of Yoga Anatomy, You Can Give Your Students A World-Class Anatomy Foundation That Is Fun, Fresh, Immediately Applicable, And Inspiring
Introducing the Fundamentals Course
Leslie & Amy are making their teachings available to teacher trainings worldwide, as they discuss in this short video (1:29):
We've invested over 3 years and $100,000 in this course so you can bring in world-renowned Yoga Educators Leslie Kaminoff & Amy Matthews to deliver the anatomy component of your Teacher Training Fundamentals is the only online + in-person yoga anatomy course that is specifically designed for beginning yoga teachers. This unique course was created to plug directly into your 200-hour program, and we’ve worked hard to ensure it’s the best of its kind.
We know what it takes to run a successful yoga teacher training program, and we want to support you in your efforts to give your students the most accessible, memorable, and enjoyable experience possible.
Our unique online trainings are already in use by The American Viniyoga Institute, The Yoga Institute of Australia, and The Africa Yoga Project. To date, we’ve served hundreds of students in 46 countries, with excellent results.
"Best in class"
Gary Kraftsow
Founder, American Viniyoga Institute
"When I wanted to upgrade the anatomy portion of our trainings, I turned to Leslie and Amy. My students love this training. It is the best course of its kind available to teacher trainers today."
We Connect With Your Students Directly To Lay A Firm Foundation At Home...

Students will have access to 20 hours of yoga anatomy fundamentals training. This training is delivered primarily in online streaming video format, with printable handouts and visuals.
You set the schedule, customized to support your training. At home, we'll guide your students through the assigned lessons, furnish worksheets, assign reading, and encourage movement exercises to help them begin to embody the material.
By the time they show up to class, all your students will have a strong start on that unit's material and a shared vocabulary that you can build upon with your group time.
We include 10-hours of lesson plans so you'll feel confident to lead the corresponding in-class anatomy hours.
This training covers 100% of the required content of a Yoga Alliance-approved YTT Program. (20 hours online + 10 hours in class.)
Now You Can Spend Your In-Class Time On Physical Application...
Integrating this course with your teacher training is simple, and we've designed it to be flexible. You may share the content directly with your students, or upload the videos into your own Learning Management System (if you use one.)
If your training is spread out over a long period of time, students may complete one or two units at home between each group meeting, and you'll follow-up in class with the corresponding activities to help concretize the material. (Use the lesson plans we provide, or create your own!)
If your training is an intensive, students may complete the entire program before they arrive so you'll be able to spend all your group time as skillfully as possible.
In either case, your students will complete each lesson at home on their own time so you don’t spend valuable in-class time covering concepts and terminology.

Instead, you'll be free to spend your 10 in-class hours discussing the ideas, completing physical explorations, and diving deeper into how the concepts intersect with your tradition.
We've Walked In Your Shoes, And We've Created This Training Just For You
Partnering with us as a Fundamentals Teacher Trainer means that we'll support you before, during, and after your training with...
Curated Content: Fundamentals was created in collaboration with Teacher Trainers just like you. It's not boring anatomy content. It's anatomy told through a yogic lens that will inspire and activate your students' imaginations, helping them remember and embody the material.
Answer Keys and Lesson Plans:
We've compiled a comprehensive Teacher Trainer Resource package to answer common questions and help you structure your 10 in-class hours.
Lifetime Access:
As a Partner School, this content is yours to use for life, as long as you abide by the rules in the licensing agreement. (The course is for use in Teacher Trainings only, can't be white-labeled, and can't be re-sold online.)
Here's what you'll find in your Teacher Resources Package:

- Key Points & Major Takeaways for each Unit
- Sample Answers for the Worksheet
- Discussion Prompts
- Physical Exploration ideas
- Terms & Definitions for the unit
- Sample Lesson Plans that integrate all the major themes of the unit with discussion, physical exploration, and group exercises
Now PRE-APPROVED by the Yoga Alliance. Want to know this part of your curriculum will pass with flying colors? We've done all the work for you and the program rates "exceptional" in all categories. Just enroll, then cut & paste. We'll walk you step-by-step through this process...
The Best Teachers Are Life-Long Students...

"Leslie and Amy's Fundamentals gives our teacher trainees a thorough grounding in anatomy while allowing us to maximize our classroom time.
Each lesson is enlightening and clear, with direct application both to our work as a group and to students' continuing exploration.
I highly recommend it to any teacher training director."
Our Approach To Anatomy Supports Every Tradition
Foundational Material (12 hours total):
- Building Blocks: Sthira & Sukha / Connective Tissue / Bones / Muscles
- Breath: Prana & Apana / Diaphragm / Ujjayi / Bhandas
- Muscle Physiology: Strength / Flexibility / Movement / Joints
- The Spine: Curves / Disks / Backpain
- The Lower Limbs: Foot / Knee / Hips / Pelvis / Walking / Alignment in Standing Postures
- The Upper Limbs: Hands & Wrists / Forearm / Elbow / Shoulder / Alignment in Inversions

4 "Mini-Units" of Application Material (8 hours total):
- Approaching Asana: Our Philosophy on Asana Analysis
- Pain & Sensation: A Body-Mind Perspective
- Breath & Movement: Asana & Vinyasa
- Life As A Teacher And A Life-Long Student
Asana Library (a collection of 20 poses, each examined in 3 ways):
- Breath-Centered Approach: with Leslie
- Joint & Muscle Actions: with Amy
- Workshop: each workshop is different, and may include examining how different traditions might approach each pose, talking students through strategies for different body types, etc.

Additional Support & Bonus Material:
- Video Glossaries: Find specific names of bones and muscles and learn about common anatomical terms you might hear in teaching / training / therapeutic contexts
- Bonus Modules: extra segments from our production that didn't fit into the body of the curriculum but were too valuable not to include! You can think of this like the Director's Cut of your favorite movie...
Frequently Asked Questions:
"What's included for me, and what's included for my students?"
At Home for your students:
- 20 hours of video training - divided into 10 themed units with multiple lessons.
- Full text transcripts of the lessons - for easy review, note-taking, and international / ESL students.
- Downloadable / printable handouts - highlighting important terms and concepts for each lesson.
- Downloadable / printable visuals - bringing the details to your students’ fingertips.
- Downloadable / printable worksheets - to fill out at home while they’re watching each class.
- Physical explorations - to help students embody the material while they’re learning new concepts.
- Asana Library - students will look at 20 poses in depth and learn techniques they can apply to any asana, in any tradition, with any student

Comprehensive Support Package for before, during, and after training sessions to answer questions and help you plan your 10 hours of in-class explorations, including:
- Key Points & Major Takeaways for each Unit
- Answer Key for the Worksheet
- Discussion Prompts
- Physical Exploration ideas
- Terms & Definitions for the unit
- Sample Lesson Plans that integrate all the major themes of the unit with discussion, physical exploration, and group exercises

"How many hours of anatomy does the Yoga Alliance require?"
The new Yoga Alliance requirements specify 30 hours of anatomy for 200-hour trainings, 20 of which can be online. This program provides 30 hours of anatomy (20 online hours, and 10 in-class hours.)
Now PRE-APPROVED by the Yoga Alliance. Want to know this part of your curriculum will pass with flying colors? We've done all the work for you and the program rates "exceptional" in all categories. Just enroll, then cut & paste.
"How do I get the materials?"
Once you enroll, you'll have access to all the materials in a DropBox folder, which you will download. You'll be able to choose how to curate your training from there.
- Some trainings share the folders directly with students, or send them the materials via email.
- Some trainings load the videos and worksheets into their own Learning Management System (like Teachable or Kajabi).
We give you access to everything so you can customize the experience of your training, and not require multiple logins for your students.
"Do you have a course plug-in for 500-hr trainings?"
If your 500-hour students have not already had this training, we believe that it's still a great fit for a 500-hour training.
"How long does my enrollment last? Does it expire?"
**As of January 2025**, Fundamentals for Teacher Training programs is only available as a 1-time enrollment licensing model. This means that you enroll once, and you may use the program as many times as you like, with as many students as you like. The only stipulation is that you agree to follow the licensing agreement. (We'll outline this below.)
We used to do this differently and offer the program with a per-student fee, but we've changed our model to make this material more accessible for more trainings around the world.
"How is this different than Leslie & Amy's other online courses?"
This course, Fundamentals, is a 20-hour course, co-taught by Amy Matthews & Leslie Kaminoff, that was created specifically to be presented in partnership with Teacher Training programs. Leslie's other courses: Principles and Practices, and Amy's other courses: Bones and Muscles, are much longer courses, designed to be continuing education programs. Each of these other courses is about 70-hours each.
"Can I say that I'm partnering with you guys in my marketing?"
Absolutely! We understand that in many areas, Teacher Training programs need to be very competitive in order to attract students. Our partner schools prominently display the fact that they're using our training and use it as a way to differentiate themselves from other local options. We offer loads of marketing support material as part of the package.
"I'm not totally clear on the schedule... Do the students watch the entire training before we meet, or do we do one unit at a time?"
We have designed this course to be flexible, and it works either way. Usually we see trainings that are spread out over a year assigning one unit at a time, then doing the corresponding 1 in-class hour at the next meeting, and so on.
Trainings that meet over 6 months, for example, might assign a unit or two before the training begins, and then assign some units singly, and some in combination over the next 6 months, always following up in class with the corresponding in-class hours.
Intensive trainings usually assign students to watch the entire anatomy module before they arrive, then they do all 10 hours of in-class time sometime during the intensive.
"Do you have marketing materials I can use?"
An entire vault of it, actually... After you enroll, we'll send you images and text that you're free to use in online or print formats.
"Can you help me fill out the Yoga Alliance grid so I know all the details?"
Of course! We know you're filling in a one million page document to make this happen, so we can take care of this part.

Placing Your Continuing Education In Someone Else's Hands Is A Difficult Decision - Let Us Show You Why We're The Ideal Partners To Support Your Students
"This course provides a practical understanding of the body that students could otherwise take years to pick up.
Leslie's approach is passionate and challenging yet lighthearted. Amy Matthews has incredible knowledge and an equally playful approach to unlearning and learning. Together, they focus on the most relevant issues and features of human anatomy. This makes yoga simpler and easier to understand.
The course is practical and the concepts translate naturally into form. The teaching is very useful for my own practice, my body-mind relationship and for my students. As we progressed through the online chapters, the students loved to feel their practices evolve.
Tutoring the course and absorbing Leslie & Amy's advice has been a satisfying personal journey. This teaching is for all students who are willing to let go of their conventions. I highly recommend this course to people who are passionate about yoga and want to learn relevant and contemporary Yoga Anatomy."
"Leslie and Amy are the absolute best team from which to learn yoga anatomy.
Their teaching has not only blown what I thought I knew out of the water, but it has also given me many tools with which to approach teaching and yoga.
When a student comes to class with an injury, the moment of panic that I don't know what to do is gone because I now have a handful of options to choose from. Because of their teaching, I have the tools to lead someone to having their own experience vs. relying on statements such as "If a student has a shoulder injury, do ____ asana."
I continue to learn from Amy & Leslie in the 5 years since my first teacher training, and have become increasingly skillful in my ability to transmit information and understand the body. I am honored to call this inspiring duo my teachers."
Ensure your students have the best possible yoga anatomy training...
Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews are recognized world experts in integrating the deepest principles of anatomy with the practice of yoga. By becoming a Fundamentals partner school, you’re giving your students the opportunity to learn anatomy in a way that will ensure they teach yoga in an effective, inspiring, and safe manner.
If you have any questions about how to integrate this course into your teacher training program, just drop us a note: [email protected]

Fundamentals Package Enrollment Details:
Many trainings ask you to pay an enrollment for each student each time you run a training. We used to do this, too.
But over time, we've realized that there's a better way. Our goal has always been to make quality anatomy as accessible to as many schools as possible.
That's why we've moved to a 1-time Licensing fee. You pay once for the top-of-the line program that:
- Gives your students a richer and more memorable experience
- Makes your training stand apart from the competition
- Is already pre-approved and rated "Exceptional in all categories" by the Yoga Alliance
And you may use the course as many times as you like, with as many students as you like.
This means:
- No more having to find and pay local community college anatomy instructors, only to have your students fall asleep and forget everything.
- No more having to pay more for your anatomy training if your training gets bigger.
Now, once you enroll as a partner school, the material is yours to use FOR LIFE, meaning that once you've covered the cost of the licensing fee once, every dollar coming in from the training is yours to keep.
Become a Fundamentals school now to give your students the best Yoga Anatomy experience possible, partner with experts in the field, end enjoy your training more than ever before
Looking for a payment plan?
Because this program is available as an instant download, we do not offer a payment plan on the materials. However, we do offer:
- A 30-day preview for you to be sure it's a good fit. Email us at [email protected] to set this up.
- An unconditional 90-day money back guarantee. (See below.)

P.S. We understand that a commitment like this is a big one, so we offer an unconditional guarantee. If you enroll yourself, preview the material, and decide it's not the right fit for your training, we'll send you a full refund.
If you're not absolutely thrilled with this resource, please take every single penny back. While you’re taking this course, we will personally make ourselves available to help should you have questions or troubles...
If it turns out that the course isn’t the right fit for your training - for whatever reason - simply let us know within 90 days of purchase. We’ll promptly process a full refund. To help us figure out what we can improve on, we'll ask for your specific feedback.
We ask that you use the time before your students enroll to evaluate the program, just because it's easier for everyone involved.
So what’s the risk? There is none. You’ve got 90 days to try it - not just 30 or 60. That’s a quarter of a year!
Try it. Get help if it’s not working for you. And if it just doesn’t work out, get your money back.
By taking this step, you stand to give your students a deeper understanding of themselves and their bodies, a stronger relationship with their students, and richer personal practices.
See you in the course,

P.S. Questions? Drop us a note at [email protected] and we'll get back to you ASAP!

*This course qualifies as professional training for yoga instructors, yoga therapists, pilates teachers, dance teachers, professional dancers, and other movement professionals.
This course counts for Continuing Education credits with the Yoga Alliance. Email us for more details: [email protected]
The information on this site is provided as an information and educational resource only, is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes, and should not be used as a substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Reliance on any information provided in this course is solely at your own risk.
Before you're allowed to purchase this course, you'll be asked to agree to these Terms and Conditions. They're designed to preserve the integrity of the program, and protect your investment.
By purchasing Fundamentals for Teacher Trainings, I agree that I will:
- Use the program in its entirety, and not break it apart or create derivative works.
- Only use this program with my Teacher Training Students, or other students who are studying with me in person.
- Keep the materials safe to protect the investments of my studio and my fellow teacher trainers.
- Always credit Amy Matthews, Leslie Kaminoff, and as being the creators of this work.
I agree that I will not:
- White-Label any part of this course as my own.
- Sell all or part of this course on the internet on its own (not bundled as part of my teacher training).
- Share these resources with other schools or trainings (each enrollment is for a single school.)
- Distribute any of the copyrighted images or video from the course in any way (as social media promotion, in my newsletters, etc.) There are images in the marketing folder explicitly for this purpose, and I will use these and only these to respect the copyright agreements between all parties.