Urdhva Dhanurasana

The correct leg action is useful for getting into urdhva dhanurasana. When people use the quadriceps to try to extend the knees, it can create a pushing action that thrusts weight toward the head and arms, making it even harder to raise the upper body off the floor. Initiating the lift of the pelvis with more attention to hip extension can pull the weight of the body over the legs and make less work for the upper limbs.
Of the adductor group, the adductor magnus is most useful for urdhva dhanurasana because it creates hip extension and internal rotation along with adduction—all actions that support the alignment of the pose. The gluteus maximus is less useful for hip extension in this position because it can create external rotation, which can lead to compression in the sacrum and low-back pain.
The arms need to move freely overhead, and a combination of mobilizing the scapulae and stabilizing the rotation in the shoulder joints with the rotator cuffs creates the necessary balance. If the latissimus dorsi are short or overactive, they restrict the ability of the scapulae to upwardly rotate. This can force excessive action into the spine or shoulder joints.
Images from the book Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff & Amy Matthews displayed on this website are used under license.

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