Welcome to the Home Workshop Series: Free Resources For Yoga Enrichment at Home

Hi there!

Thank you so much for joining us - we hope you enjoy this class.

It is pulled from our course, YogaAnatomy.net Fundamentals.

Along with our regular free resources, this special Home Workshop Series will be available online as long as social distancing measures are in place.

All Our Best,

Leslie Kaminoff & Amy Matthews

Home Workshop Resource Directory →

No matter what, please be sure to watch the Approaching Asana segment before you start any of the individual poses. We will explore our philosophy on asana in general, the concept of the benefits of a pose, and explain how we’ll be examining the poses within the library. The poses will be much richer within this context, so please don’t skip it!

~ Amy & Leslie

Approaching Asana →


YogaAnatomy.net Fundamentals
Asana Library - Chaturanga Dandasana / Four-Limbed Stick Pose (23:15)


Watch the Video:

This class is about 23 minutes long. Please give the video a moment to load...


Thank you for spending some of your day with us!

We hope you discovered something new in this class, or perhaps heard something familiar in a new and useful way.

If you love learning like this, and you’d like to continue the conversation with Leslie, Amy and your colleagues, we welcome you to join us!

Join Leslie & Amy's Fundamentals course now →

Looking for the Teacher Training Plug-in version of this course?


Check out the only anatomy plug-in module that's been pre-approved by The Yoga Alliance. Plus, your students will love it.

Yoga Anatomy.net Fundamentals for Teacher Trainings →