Welcome to the Home Workshop Series: Free Resources For Yoga Enrichment at Home

Hi there!

Thank you so much for joining me - I hope you enjoy this class.

It is pulled from my personal practice course, YogaAnatomy.net Practices.

Learn more about YogaAnatomy.net Practices

We’re also offering $1,000 USD scholarship towards our Practices Course to any member of the YogaAnatomy.net community during this time.

Specifically designed as a professional-level personal practice development course, you will:

  • Re-ignite your own yoga practice
  • Grow exponentially as a teacher
  • Learn vital anatomy concepts experientially to inform your own practice and teaching
  • Develop more facility with injuries and special cases
  • Be personally mentored by me for questions and guidance
  • Learn how to offer “experiences” to your students, not just shapes*

*This is critical if you’re now teaching online.

Most importantly - giving yourself a project during this time might be the kindest thing you can do for yourself and your brain so it stops spinning on all the things that are outside of your control.

Enroll with Scholarship Pricing here →

Whether you take advantage of the scholarship, the free resources, or everything we have to offer, we’re investing in you so you can invest in your community, and we all come out stronger on the other side.

All My Best,

Leslie Kaminoff 



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YogaAnatomy.net Practices
Class 25: The Fore Limbs of Yoga


Watch the Video:

This class is about 2 hours long. Please give the video a moment to load...


Are you ready to dive deeper, including personal mentorship with Leslie?

Please accept $1,000 USD Scholarship from us and join your colleagues in the course.

Activate Scholarship for YogaAnatomy.net Practices →

Thank you for spending some of your day with us!

We hope you discovered something new in this class, or perhaps heard something familiar in a new and useful way.

If you love learning like this, and you’d like to continue the conversation with Leslie and your colleagues, we welcome you to join us!