Home Workshop Series: Free Resources For Yoga Enrichment at Home

We’re all in this together.

Hi friends,

Thank you for spending some of your precious time and attention with us. We’re all navigating uncharted waters, and we believe that we’ll weather the storm better together.

Please enjoy these resources and take what you learn into your heart and into your classes.

Let’s take this time:

  • To develop ourselves & invest in our personal practices
  • To create new opportunities for our students to find real yoga
  • To help our communities learn to support each other in new ways
  • To take deep care of ourselves so we can do our work in the world.

All My Best,

ā€ØKelsey Kaufman

YogaAnatomy.net Director

Focusing on your Personal Practice?

Ever wanted to experience a yoga practice that was custom-designed for you? Join Leslie Kaminoff, internationally best-selling co-author of Yoga Anatomy, as he guides you through practices specifically designed to help you become the expert on your own body. Through the breath and asana sequences, you’ll learn how to decode the wisdom of your body so you can create a personal practice that’s exactly what you need in any moment.

These classes are selections from Leslie’s professional development course, YogaAnatomy.net Practices.

Learn more about the Practices Course
Breath as Shape-Change: Being Breathed by Movement (2 hrs)
Exploring the Evolution & Development of the Human Spine (2 hrs)
The Fore Limbs of Yoga: Exploring Arms & Legs (2 hrs)
Cellular Breathing with Guest Teacher Amy Matthews (2 hrs)

Focusing on your Teaching?

If you’re a teacher, you can enjoy the same lessons we included above to learn about your body and create open-ended experiences for your students. Want more? Explore the classes below and learn how you might help your students experience poses in a completely new way.

When you're ready for a professional development course that supports you both as a teacher and a student, look no further than Leslie's YogaAnatomy.net Principles Course.

Learn more about the Principles Course
Exploring Bandhas in Shape & Movement (2 hrs)
A Warrior Series (2 hrs)
Wheel Series with Breath Preparation (2 hrs)

Best-Selling Book Comes to Life

Co-authors Amy Matthews & Leslie Kaminoff collaborate again on a 20-hour course, YogaAnatomy.net Fundamentals. On of the most popular segments of the entire course is the asana library. It’s like their internationally best-selling anatomy book, come to life.

The asana libary is a collection of 20 poses, each examined 3 ways:

  • Breath-Centered Approach: with Leslie
  • Joint & Muscle Actions: with Amy
  • Workshop: each workshop is different, and may include examining how different traditions might approach each pose, talking students through strategies for different body types, etc.

Here we’ve included the most popular 5 poses for you to enjoy, plus, a bonus module where Amy & Leslie share their philosophy on asana in general, the concept of the benefits of a pose, and explain how they’ll be examining the poses within the library. Don’t miss it!

Learn more about the Fundamentals Course
BONUS: Approaching Asana (25 mins)
Virabhadrasana I / Warrior I (28 mins)
Trikonasana / Triangle Pose (19 mins)
Paschimottanasana / Seated Forward Bend (18 mins)
Adho Mukha Svanasana / Downward Facing Dog Pose (24 mins)
Chaturanga Dandasana / Four-Limbed Stick Pose (23 mins)


Planning a Teacher Training?

Best-selling co-authors Amy Matthews & Leslie Kaminoff have created an anatomy plug-in course specifically designed for teacher training programs, and it meets all updated Yoga Alliance Standards.

Plus your students will actually look forward to it.

But you don’t have to take our word for it - try it out yourself. Inviting another teacher into your training is important, particularly if the teaching is online. You need more than a few video clips to decide if it’s the right fit - you need to feel the entire experience.

If you’re currently researching anatomy possibilities for your next teacher training, send us an email and we’ll create your free 30-day preview membership to our teacher training plugin course, YogaAnatomy.net Fundamentals.

Learn more about YogaAnatomy.net Fundamentals for Teacher Trainings ā†’

Email us → [email protected]


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